Allstars Indoor Football

  • Wann
    Montag 26.02.2024 19:00 - 20:30
  • Ort
    Turnhalle Schulhaus Gabler: Schulhausstrasse 21, 8002 Zürich
  • Typ
    Internal Game
  • Teilnehmer
  • Text

    Training tonight confirmed, you are 7 at the moment, would be great if at least one can join in short notice!





    Winter Indoor Football is back!!

    Please note: You will receive a new invite each week, just accept for the particular date. We're going to play every Monday until end of March, except the weeks of school holidays.  

    • Location (NEW): Schulhaus Gabler, Schulhausstrasse 21, 8002 Zürich. Easiest way to find it is from tram station "Museum Rietberg" to Grütlistrasse. IT IS NOT "TUNRHALLE NOAM" but 50 meters behind it. 
    • Time: We can start at 19:00h, so try to be in time, or 10 minutes before to change clothes. Playing football from 19:00h - 20:30h.
    • Please be reminded: indoor shoes only (and no black shoe soles), no smoking allowed on the school premises, no water bottles/refreshments allowed inside the gym


    How to get there:

    • by public transport: Tram Station Museum Rietberg Line Number 7 or 5 Minutes walk from Banhof Enge ot the MQ offices (see below). 
    • by car: there are limited parking spaces in the streets near the school (Blau Zone) or at the lake Mythenquai 75 Parking 


    Cheers, Captains