FCSR A-Team vs. FC Julius Bär

  • Wann
    Montag 11.03.2024 19:45 - 22:30
  • Ort
    Tüfi Kunstrasen (Sportanlase Tüfi, Tüfistrasse 6, Adliswil)
  • Typ
  • Teilnehmer
  • Text

    Dear A-Team

    Next week we start with our first game of the season against a strong opponent!  You can find the details below: 


    ·   PLEASE BE ON TIME: 19:45h: meeting in the changing room: Jerseys & shorts will be provided. Bring artifical turf friendly shoes & shin guards.

    ·   Games starts at 20:35h

    ·   We will communicate the line-up in advance.


    Let's start the season with a strong performance and victory! Looking forward to it!

    Cheers, Captains


    P.S.: Don't forget about the A-Team Rules:

    The A-Team refers to Attitude. Play for the team: 

      • Be on time! Players who show up late will start on the bench.
      • Each player should help the others with moving goals and cleaning up.
      • Don't be a maybe – only accept the invite if you actually join the match or otherwise decline. Avoid late cancellations. Something exceptional can happen on short notice, but inform the match organiser asap in that case. We will keep track of "no shows" and exclude them for future line-ups.
      • It's all about fun: play fair and enjoy the games and training sessions with this great team

    For Game-Days: 

      • Match line up – generally 16 players will be nominated. The nomination is shared on morning before the game. Players showing up regularly and punctually for training and matches ("core team") will have preferential spots for future games. Otherwise it is first come, first serve. 
      • Changing Rooms: Make sure you only use the dedicated changing room and leave it clean and on time!
      • Substitute regularly when the bench is full of players. 
      • Take care of our equipment. Make sure the equipment (shirt, shorts, socks, balls) find their way back to the bag! Pick up the balls that go over the fence! – easiest way: be on time and use the changing rooms…
      • Laundry: People who volunteer to do the laundry will be rewarded with CHF 30 in cash. Make sure the bag finds the way back to Swiss Re next (to Stefan Geisser) or to the next game. 

    For Training/ internal games: 

      • Bring your own sportswear - nothing will be provided and the changing rooms are closed.