, Fehr Michael
The A-TEAM is back
Dear A-Team, dear friends, As announced by Bernard last week, we are allowed to play our favourite game again one last season at our beloved sportsground!We are as excited as you are and trying to organize as many games as possible for the remaining time until end of September. Please find below the most important news/changes:
- Games: The A-Team plays on Thursdays as usually. Due to new opening hours of the sportsground the games in June will start earlier (5.50pm or 6pm). As of July we should be able to start at 7pm again. à Our first game will be an internal friendly game on June 18. Invites for upcoming games will follow via ClubDesk.
- Corona Rules: We again emphasise to read through the "Schutzkonzept" attached. Let us know if you need translation help. à Important: Any Football activity/participation has to be registered. This means that you can only play if you have signed-up for it. If you do not sign-up, you will not be permitted to enter the Sportsground for playing Football. Before starting the activity we all need to sign the AWK (Anwesenheitskontrolle). This document builds the evidence/base for any potential tracing (in case we have to...).
beers after the games will be moved to a different location nearby as the gastronomy at the sportsground will be closed in the evenings.
We count on all of you to follow the rules and act as role models.
- Other: This years trainings camp in Valencia has been moved to early October and still has space for people to join! Please get in touch with Reto Estermann if you are interested! à We assume you are already in shape. If not, use the next two weeks wisely to reduce the risk of injuries. 😉 As always: feel free to reach out to us in case you have any question.
We are extremely looking forward to see you guys again on the pitch. Let's make this last season in our home-stadium something special! Take care and see you soon! Cheers, Andrej, Tobias, Michael